
Minister to the Body

Serve the local Body of Christ with us.

In order to serve here at Calvary Chapel, there are a few things that must be evident in your life. Below is a list of some of the Characteristics of a Christian. May the Lord use this list to draw you closer to Him and may you be blessed by serving Jesus with your whole heart.

You must also fill out our Ministry Application AND Background Check online. Once you fill out your Ministry Application you will be sent an email with a link to a secure, online Background Check form that you must fill out prior to serving.
Love (John 13:35 & 1 Corinthians 13:1-8)
  • The defining mark of true Christian faith. Without agape love evident in a person’s life, all the gifts are of no eternal value and will not edify the God’s people.
  • You can’t save someone you don’t love, nor can you minister to someone you don’t love.

Be an Example (1 Timothy 4:12)
  • You represent Jesus Christ
  • You represent this ministry
    • In conduct, speech, and attitude

Be Faithful (2 Timothy 2:2 & 1 Corinthians 4:2)
  • Attend scheduled events and meetings
  • Be on time (stewardship of others time)
  • Be a man/woman of your word
    • Follow through with your commitments

Be a Team Player (Phil. 1:27 & 1 Corinthians 12:14-27)
  • Lay down your will for the good of the Body
    • Opinions which divide, personal agendas, and personality conflicts
  • Respect authority (Hebrews 13:17)
    • Be supportive of your leader and be submissive to his/her decisions

Be a Servant (Matthew 20:27-28 & John 13:1-17)
  • You serve the Lord
    • It’s a privilege to serve Him!
    • Do everything as unto Him
    • No task is too menial
    • You are not providing a favor
  • You serve the Body
    • Don’t be a distraction; presentation is paramount
    • Every decision should be for the good of the people

Be a Good Steward (Luke 16:10-13)
  • Tithe – The Lord requires it (Malachi 3:10)
  • It’s a reflection of trust and surrender to Him
  • To teach and sing of faith and to be faithless is hypocrisy
  • Use what He’s given you for Him and His Kingdom - Your time, talent, and treasure

Attend Weekly Services (Hebrews 10:25)
  • You must attend in-person a minimum of 6 months of regular participation in Sunday morning services. This demonstrates a hunger for God’s Word, a passion for worship and a love for God’s people.
  • Consistent attendance and ministry at our weekly services is a great example to other people in the church and allows you to get to know us as we get to know you.
  • When you begin serving, you must also attend services on the weeks you are not scheduled to serve.
  • You must be attending and active within a Small Group ministry at Calvary Chapel Clayton.

Ministries at Calvary Chapel

Numerous opportunities exist to engage and serve the body of Christ here at Calvary Chapel. Prayerfully consider how God might want to utilize you to serve others. Presented here are the ministries at Calvary Chapel Clayton.


When ministry happens, resources follow. We believe that the resources we provide are at our Bookstore are a tangible expression of Jesus. We want to provide a way for everyone to have a greater opportunity to grow in their relationship with Jesus and the Word of God. We want everyone to be equipped in every stage of their Christian life.


Our Cafe is open before and after service on Sunday and during any big Church events. We offer delightful, steaming coffee and delectable snacks. The Cafe aims to cultivate fellowship opportunities within the body of Christ.

Calvary Kids

The Children's Ministry classes cater to infants through fifth grade. Our team comprises teachers, caregivers, checkin personnel, hallway monitor, and special abilities buddy. Each service offers tailored Bible lessons, worship, and activities for every age group.

Calvary Youth

The Calvary Youth group for high school and middle school students is essential to Calvary Chapel's ministry. We aim to ignite a passion in the young adults of Calvary Chapel Clayton to start living for Jesus Christ at this stage of their lives instead of waiting until later in life.


We work discreetly to support the day-to-day operations of ministry. Collaborating in teams, we dedicate ourselves to weekly cleaning sessions, ensuring our church remains safe and welcoming to all. A clean church is cherished by everyone!


Our greeters warmly welcome attendees as they enter the doors of Calvary Chapel for our weekly services. Beyond simple greetings, they often assist in directing individuals to various areas within the building, such as classrooms or restrooms. Greeters minister to the body of Christ by fostering a hospitable atmosphere for everyone.

Household of Faith

Information to come.


The Media Team plays a vital role in supporting both our Teaching and Worship Ministries, enriching the experience for both our congregation and visitors alike. Our team handles various aspects such as sound, projection, broadcast video and broadcast audio.

Medical Response

As a sizable congregation, we prioritize the well-being of those attending Calvary Chapel. Recognizing that medical emergencies can occur at any time during our services, we've established a dedicated Medical Response team. Comprised of medically qualified individuals, they stand ready to provide immediate assistance to anyone in need until professional first responders arrive.


Service at Calvary Chapel begins unexpectedly in the parking lot! At every service, the Parking team holds the unique chance to create a positive initial encounter for our Calvary family. Their duties involve: safely managing the flow of traffic, guiding vehicles into parking spaces, ensuring pedestrian safety, assisting with special needs parking, facilitating easy access from the parking lot to the church building, and above all, they extend a warm welcome, embodying hospitality with friendly greetings.


Here at Calvary Chapel, ensuring the safety of everyone on our campus is paramount. Our Safety Team is dedicated to maintaining a secure environment. They diligently operate within legal bounds to safeguard our congregants during all services and events.

Super Kids Buddy

The Super Kids Buddy pairs individuals with disabilities with dedicated support companions with one-on-one support, enabling them to fully engage in kids' services, irrespective of their abilities and requirements.


In addition to seating guests in the main sanctuary, ushers serve in various capacities. More than just seating people, the ushers role extends to offering prayers for those in need, providing guidance, and assisting anyone requiring help. Ushers also inform visitors about children’s ministry and monitor seating situation in the sanctuary and lobby. During worship services, we attentively observe the congregation and compassionately address any disruptions, following the principle outlined in 1 Corinthians 14:40.


The Worship team offers authentic worship at all our services, special events, and outreach programs. Our team comprises talented musicians driven by a passion to serve and worship Jesus. This encompasses our Main Worship Team and Youth Worship Team.